
Fundamentals of HACCP Course

We will be running our RSPH certified Fundamentals of HACCP training course in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on Monday 5th March 2012.
This one day course is essential for anybody who has responsibility for HACCP and food safety management, as it is a legal requirement for such staff to be trained in the principles of HACCP.  This includes owner/managers, administrators, food safety champions, catering managers, quality assurance staff, chefs, kitchen staff, food service supervisors, catering assistants and all food handlers.
The generic nature of the course makes it suitable for staff from all industries, including: catering, retail, food processing, artisan food producers, creches, childcare, butchery, wholesale, food distributors, farmers markets, accommodation providers and nursing homes.
This is a practical course providing the skills to enable particpants to develop or update their own HACCP and food safety management systems.
There are no special entry requirements for the course, but partcipants will gain most from the course if they have already completed a basic food hygiene course such as the EHOA Primary Food Safety course, FETAC Level 5 (L22150) Workplace Food Safety & Hygiene, or equivalent. We also provide these courses and be happy to advise on the right course for your needs.
This is a one day course from 09:00am to 5:30 pm
